Chiefs Corner

From all members of the Long Lake Fire Department, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our website.
As Long Lake Fire Department, is it our mission is to minimize the loss of life and property for our fire service recipients in the cities of Long Lake, Minnetonka Beach, Medina and Orono. As you explore our website you will see that we provide a variety of services to the community and are here for one reason – to help you.

We consider your family our family, and our firehouses your firehouses. Whether you are a resident, business owner, or a visitor, our goal is to take care of you as if you were a member of our family, because you are!

I would like to offer an invitation for you to visit any of our firehouses and meet some of the best firefighters in the nation.

If I can be of any additional service to you, on behalf of the Long Lake Fire Department, please contact me.


Chief Mike Heiland